LinkedIn Featured Section Image/Photo Sizes Guide & Examples

by | Updated Aug 7, 2022

In February 2020, LinkedIn replaced Media in the About with a new section called Featured. As of April 2022 Featured thumbnails are considerably larger than they were under Media; however, you can only see two on desktop, and one on mobile. Articles and their images will no longer display in the activity section, which means you need to add your Articles to Featured. LinkedIn help and support areas do not reveal optimal image sizes beyond profile How Add Featured Section To Linkedin Profileheadshot photo, background image, company logo, and post images. Here at Klaxos, we help clients add and optimize media content to their Linkedin personal profiles and company pages every day. Today, the team at Klaxos is sharing some of our secrets.

Feature Visual Examples of Your Expertise on Your LinkedIn Profile

The Featured section allows you to prove your experience and skills by displaying samples of your work to individuals who view your LinkedIn profile. You can incorporate an unlimited number of examples of your expertise, and you can add, reorder, and delete items at any time. The content included in this section will not be discoverable through search engines. Click here to see a LinkedIn Featured section example in a full profile.

1. Adding an Article or Post published on to the Featured section

The image published on the LinkedIn article page or post will be displayed on your profile in a 1.91:1 ratio, for example, 1200 pixel width x 627-pixel height is ideal. Minimum Linkedin featured image size is recommended to be 502 (w) x 262 (h) pixels. Divide your image width by 1.91 to get the optimal height or multiply your height by 1.91 to get the optimal width. The minimum image width for a LinkedIn post is 200 pixels, which corresponds to a minimum image height of 105 pixels. You must have previously written and published an article or post using your LinkedIn profile account to add it to your Featured section.

2. Posting webpage links from outside to the Featured module

The featured image published on the article/post page will be rendered on your profile in a square format. If you add a description to the media, it will push the square closer to a rectangle, depending on how much text is in your media title and description. Most featured images on webpages are in the landscape layout, with a 4:3 ratio width:height so images from webpages may look odd transformed into a square in Linkedin Featured area, add a description to push the image back to a 4:3 ratio rectangle. In the past videos could only be linked from select, approved websites such as YouTube. Today you can link to a video on any website, but they can not be uploaded to LinkedIn.

3. Image uploads to the LinkedIn Featured area

Uploading a PNG, JPG, or GIF (only the first frame of animation displayed) as a featured image will be portrayed on your profile in a square layout. If you add a description to the media, it will push the square closer to a rectangle, depending on how much text is in your image title and description. The recommended minimum image size to be uploaded to the Featured area is 800×800. Video files can not be uploaded. See media file types allowed on a LinkedIn profile.

Linkedin Featured Image Size Examples Article Post Link Image Upload 806x429


4. How to upload documents to the LinkedIn Featured area

Uploading a PDF, Microsoft Word, or PowerPoint file into the Featured area will render it on your profile in a square layout. If you add a title and/or description to the document, it will push the square closer to a rectangle, depending on how much text is in the title and description.

Linkedin Featured Image Size Examples As Microsoft Word Pdf Document Upload


LinkedIn Profile Image Sizes April 2022

  • LinkedIn personal profile background/hero image size: 1584w x 396h pixels, 4:1 ratio, minimum: 1192 (w) x 220 (h) pixels, see example
  • Explore our free catalog of LinkedIn background images
  • LinkedIn personal profile headshot photo size: 400w x 400h pixels, see example
  • LinkedIn post image size 1299w x 627h pixels, 1.91:1 ratio, minimum width of 200 pixels. Text length of a post is 600 characters maximum; however, the text is truncated around 150 characters and displays “…read more” LinkedIn recommends 150 characters or less for a post. see example
  • LinkedIn video post size: 256 x 144 (minimum) to 4096 x 2304 (maximum), maximum length 10 minutes
  • Linkedin article image size 1299w x 627h pixels, 1.91:1 ratio, see example
  • Linkedin Featured section image upload image size: 800w x 800h pixels
  • Linkedin image added to work experience image size: 1299w x 627h pixels, 1.91:1 ratio, minimum width of 200 pixels, see example

LinkedIn Company Page Image Sizes April 2022

  • LinkedIn Company Page background/hero photo size: 1536w x 768h pixels, 2:1 ratio, minimum: 1192 (w) x 220 (h) pixels, see examples
  • Company logo size: 300w x 300h pixels
  • Career tab/page background image size 1128w x 376h pixels
  • Life tab/page background image size: 1128w x 376h pixels
  • Life tab/page custom modules image size: 502w x 282h pixels
  • Life tab/page company photos image sizes: 900w x 600h pixels

LinkedIn advertising image sizes

  • Company logo size for advertising: 100 x 100 pixels
  • Spotlight ads logo size: 100 x 100 pixels
  • Spotlight ads custom background image: 300 x 250 pixels
  • Sponsored content images: 1200 x 627 pixels, 1.91:1 ratio

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