LinkedIn Keywords – Most Overused: “Creative”

by | Updated Mar 3, 2023

The number one most overused keyword in LinkedIn profiles globally and for professionals based in the United States is “creative.” Here is the list of the top 10 terms that are overused by business professionals in the U.S.A.

1.    Creative keywords cloud
2.    Organizational
3.    Effective
4.    Extensive experience
5.    Track record
6.    Motivated
7.    Innovative
8.    Problem solving
9.    Communication skills
10.  Dynamic

Competition for opportunities can be fierce, so craft your profile and online resume to stand out from the professional pack. Even though this year’s list of overused terms differs from last year’s, your objectives remain the same: take our profile tip remove useless buzzwords from your profile. Use language that illustrates your unique professional accomplishments and experiences. Give concrete examples of results you’ve achieved whenever possible and reference attributes that are specific to you.

In the 2010 study, buzzwords like “extensive experience,” “dynamic,” “motivated,” and “innovative” ranked as the most overused buzzwords in various countries. Since the professional networking service’s global membership has grown from 85 million to more than 135 million members since the 2010 buzzwords analysis, that list has changed. Here are the 2011 number one buzzwords for countries that LinkedIn fielded the study in:

  • Creative: Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States
  • Multinational: Brazil
  • Dynamic: France
  • Effective: India
  • Problem solving: Italy
  • Motivated: Ireland
  • Managerial: Spain
  • Track record: Singapore

Sowcase your skills
LinkedIn tracks thousands of hot, up-and-coming professional skills on LinkedIn skills explained. Add relevant skills to your profile so that you come up in search results when other professionals need someone like you for a project, to get advice or for an open position that they have.

Come highly recommended
Recommendations, particularly from executives, give those viewing your profile a sense of who you are as a professional. Request Recommendations from past managers and clients, and be sure to hint at why you’re asking for the recommendation (to get more clients, to find a new job, etc.) as well as the types of things they can comment on. (“Brad, I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a recommendation regarding the XYZ project that I worked on that resulted in us increasing sales by 90%.”). Avoid getting recommendations from people at or below your level – it doesn’t add a lot of value.

Accentuate your profile
Make sure your professional profile is complete and includes all the roles you have had. You are 12 times more likely to be viewed for potential opportunities if you have more than one position listed on your profile.  Also, add a profile photo – images increase the likelihood job recruiters will click on your photo.

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