How to Write a Great Status/Post Update on LinkedIn

by | Updated Mar 3, 2023

Sharing a great LinkedIn status update is an important way to educate sales prospects about your organization or grow your personal brand. We all know posting updates are part of a comprehensive marketing strategy, centered around your professional profile. Updates are the fresh, cutting edge news that reinforces your brand (organizational or personal) as the subject matter expert for your industry. Its the key to attracting (and maintaining) engagement as a soft selling technique. As with any advertising ensure that your post covers the first two letters of AIDA – Attention and Interest. Then your company page can deliver details to create  Desire and Action. A good status update includes:

Good Status Update Infographic

The key to successful engagement doesn’t stop once you’ve hit “share.” Monitor LinkedIn insights to see what part of your audience sees the post, as well as the number of comments, shares and likes it drives. When you find a theme or subject that your fans enjoy, you should ensure that future updates take advantage of this format. Depending on the size of your network and audience you should try to post a relevant update at least 2-3 times per week.

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