All-Star LinkedIn Profile – It Ranks Higher In Google – 10 Steps

by | Updated Mar 3, 2023

LinkedIn ranks full profiles higher than incomplete in its search results. If you are conducting a job search, want to increase sales or awareness of your company, it is critical to a have a complete or “All-Star” presence. Complete profiles are considered as “more relevant” than incomplete ones and get a higher ranking when recruiters search LinkedIn. Two changes were recently introduced that will have an impact on your “completeness score.”

The new search algorithm puts more emphasis on skills and expertise. This means you can showcase linkedin-profile-example-medical-device-salesyour areas of expertise to easily connect more easily with people that have similar skills or with companies looking for subject matter experts in your industry vertical.

LinkedIn also changed how they calculate the completeness of your page. The new calculation gives you more control over your score by emphasizing things you can update, like Skills, and putting less weight on areas you may have less influence on, such as, recommendations. The score also takes freshness into consideration, so frequent updates can now help with profile completeness.

Tips for completing your LinkedIn page based on the new calculation:

  1. Add a professional profile photo.  Adding a photo makes you 7x more likely to be found in searches.
  2. List all the jobs or positions you’ve held, along with descriptions. Having your 2 most recent positions makes you 12x more likely to be found.
  3. Have 5 or more skills on your page
  4. Write a summary about yourself
  5. Fill out your industry and postal code
  6. Add where you went to school
  7. Have 50 or more connections – it’s easier than you think to linkedin profile sample executive management ceo
  8. Use the “Improve your Profile’ tool to find simple steps to help you stand out.
  9. Freshness matters. Update your LinkedIn profile frequently if you want to keep your ranking score near the top in the LinkedIn search algorithm.
  10. Create a professional profile or company page.

It’s that simple. Whether it’s connecting with people you may know, helping top companies or job recruiters find experts like you, or even opening up new business opportunities, an All-Star page helps you stay connected, competitive and visible for career opportunities and sales leads.

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