LinkedIn Open Candidates: Confidentially Inform Job Recruiters You Are Available

by | Updated Mar 3, 2023

Obtaining a career you are passionate about is tough work. The challenge is in how to announce to human resources people managing recruiting and talent acquisition that you are considering a new role, function or employer without your current employer learning about your job search. But, imagine if you could signal to recruiters everywhere that you’d like to hear from them, and thereby improve the odds they will contact you with a relevant opportunity. Even if you are happy in your current role, it’s good to remain sharp by learning what else is out there. It’s also a bit flattering to be wanted.

Open Candidates is a LinkedIn feature that increases your visibility with job recruiters and potentially obtaining an interview for your aspirational next career step-up by privately signaling to recruiters that you’re open to new job opportunities. You can specify the types of organizations, levels, and functions you are most interested in and, in turn, be easily found by the hundreds of thousands of talent sourcing professionals who use LinkedIn to find amazing proficient people like you! LinkedIn attempts to block recruiters from within your organization seeing your interest in hearing about new job offers but can’t ensure that someone using their premium recruiter tools will not see your career interests. Learn about whether we recommend share with “recruiters only” or all “LinkedIn members.

LinkedIn Career Interest Let Recruiters Know You’re Open New Job Privacy Settings

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